Request to a fishmonger for smaller portions?

BREAK MY SOLE (from “break my soul”)

The suffix “-monger” indicates a dealer or trader. For example. A fishmonger sells fish, an ironmonger sells hardware, a warmonger proposes military conflict, and an ideamonger deals in ideas..

A fishmonger is a person or a business that sells fish and seafood. The term traditionally referred to someone who specializes in the sale of fresh fish and other seafood, often in a market or a standalone shop. Fishmongers play a crucial role in providing customers with a variety of fish, shellfish, and other marine products.

In addition to selling seafood, a fishmonger may also offer related services such as filleting, cleaning, and sometimes cooking or preparing the seafood based on customer preferences. They are knowledgeable about different types of fish, their flavors, and the best cooking methods.

The role of fishmongers has evolved with modern supermarkets and grocery stores that often have dedicated seafood sections. However, independent fishmongers may still operate, providing a more specialized and often fresher selection of seafood.

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